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  • One of a kind crow call usefull for locating turkeys in the spring.  A loud "caw" from a crow will often get toms to "shock gobble" in response.  This call is made from genuine elk antler and hand tunned. Due to the nature of antler, no two Rimrock Calls sound exactly alike, and definatly not like the mass produced calls found on store shelves. Sealed to withstand the elements it comes with a leather lanyard. Pefect and unique gift for any outdoorsman on your list.

    Crow Call Turkey Call

    SKU: 215
    • Bite down on the mouthpiece gently with your teeth, gripping around the bell with your thumb and forefinger and cupping the remaining fingers below the end of the call. In short blasts blow "caw, caw, caw" though the mouthpiece. Tone and volume of the call can be changed with pressure of bite and by opening and closing your fingers.

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