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  • One of a kind predator call made from a genuine mule deer antler. Handmade and hand tuned to cottontail/jackrabbit distress. Each call is made and tuned one at a time. Use to call in all predators including fox, coyote, bobcat, mountain lion, and bears. Makes an excellent wedding, groomsmen, Christmas or father's day gift. Unlike commercial predator calls that can all sound the same, no two Rimrock calls are exactly alike. Sealed to withstand the weather. Call includes a leather lanyard.

    Predator Call

    SKU: 107
    • Wrap the call between your index finger and thumb as if making an "OK" sign gripping it half-way from the end.  Loosly hold the rest of the call with your remaining fingers. Blow though the call in short, deep bursts to to get a "Wa, Wa, Wa" sound, vary this by drawing out your breath to make "Waaa, Waaaa, Waaaa".  You can change the pitch and sound coming from the call by opening and closing your fingers and by the intensity that you blow. Due to unique nature of antler, each one of the calls Rimrock makes will sound slighly different, adding to thier realism and effectiveness.

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